Daily Chumash with Rashi
Parshat Shemot, 5th Portion (Shemot (Exodus) 3:16-4:17) with Rashi
Daily Tehilim - Psalms
Today's Psalms: Chapters 79-82
Daily Tehilim - Psalms (Hebrew)
Today's Tehillim: Chapters 79-82
Daily Tanya
Today's Lessons: Likutei Amarim, middle of Chapter 12
Hayom Yom
Hayom Yom, an expression which translates as 'Day by Day,' is a collection of concise thoughts, often relevant to the season or portion of study when it appears, which gives the reader food to sustain the soul each day of the year.
Daily Mitzvah - Sefer Hamitzvot
Today's Lesson: Positive Commandment 142
Daily Rambam - 1 Chapter Per Day (Hebrew)
Today's Lesson: Tum'at Tzara'at - Chapter 15
Daily Rambam - 3 Chapter Per Day (Hebrew)
Today's Lesson: Malveh veLoveh - Chapter 4, Malveh veLoveh - Chapter 5, Malveh veLoveh - Chapter 6